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Models Used Throughout

Contains Pydantic data models that are used throughout the application for storing and retrieving from data sources.


Bases: BaseModel


created_at class-attribute instance-attribute

created_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the organization was created."

org_id class-attribute instance-attribute

org_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the organization."

org_name class-attribute instance-attribute

org_name: str = Field(
    description="Name of the organization."


Bases: BaseModel


agent_id class-attribute instance-attribute

agent_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the agent."

agent_label class-attribute instance-attribute

agent_label: str = Field(
    description="Label/name for the agent."

created_at class-attribute instance-attribute

created_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the agent was created."

org_id class-attribute instance-attribute

org_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the organization."

user_id class-attribute instance-attribute

user_id: Optional[str] = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the user.",


Bases: BaseModel


created_at class-attribute instance-attribute

created_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the user was created."

org_id class-attribute instance-attribute

org_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the organization."

user_id class-attribute instance-attribute

user_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the user."

user_name class-attribute instance-attribute

user_name: str = Field(description='Name of the user.')


Bases: BaseModel


agent_id class-attribute instance-attribute

agent_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the agent."

created_at class-attribute instance-attribute

created_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the interaction was created."

interaction_id class-attribute instance-attribute

interaction_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the interaction."

memories class-attribute instance-attribute

memories: Optional[List[Memory]] = Field(
    description="List of memories gotten across all occurrences of this interaction.",

messages class-attribute instance-attribute

messages: Optional[List[MessageBlock]] = Field(
    description="List of messages in the interaction.",

org_id class-attribute instance-attribute

org_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the organization."

updated_at class-attribute instance-attribute

updated_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the interaction was last updated."

user_id class-attribute instance-attribute

user_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the user."


Bases: BaseModel


content class-attribute instance-attribute

content: Optional[str] = Field(
    description="The actual content of the message.",

msg_position class-attribute instance-attribute

msg_position: int = Field(
    description="Position of this message in the interaction."

role class-attribute instance-attribute

role: Optional[str] = Field(
    default=None, description="e.g., user, assistant, tool."


Bases: BaseModel


agent_id class-attribute instance-attribute

agent_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the agent."

interaction_id class-attribute instance-attribute

interaction_id: Optional[str] = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the interaction where this memory was sourced from.",

memory class-attribute instance-attribute

memory: str = Field(description='The memory.')

memory_id class-attribute instance-attribute

memory_id: str = Field(
    description="Full UUID string identifying the memory."

message_sources class-attribute instance-attribute

message_sources: Optional[List[MessageBlock]] = Field(
    description="List of messages in the interaction that triggered the memory. (Note: A memory won't have a message source, if its interaction was updated with a conflicting conversation thread that lead to truncation of the former thread. See `graph.update_interaction_and_memories`)",

obtained_at class-attribute instance-attribute

obtained_at: datetime = Field(
    description="DateTime object of when the memory was obtained."

org_id class-attribute instance-attribute

org_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the organization."

user_id class-attribute instance-attribute

user_id: str = Field(
    description="Short UUID string identifying the user."



Source code in memora/schema/
def id_memory_and_timestamp_dict(self):
    return {
        "memory_id": self.memory_id,
        "memory": self.memory,
        "obtained_at": str(self.obtained_at),


Source code in memora/schema/
def memory_and_timestamp_dict(self):
    return {"memory": self.memory, "obtained_at": str(self.obtained_at)}